8 Tips of Successful Facebook Marketing

1. Good Facebook Page Name

     Search Good Name

  • Your page name has to be easy to remember which let people easier to search back or introduce to friend.
  • Your page name need to have less competitors. You never want to compete with large brand with same name.
  • Your page username should be same as your page/brand name to avoid confusion.

2. Craft a great Page

    Great Page

  • You should always use all elements of the About section. All of this information helps build your credibility and convince potential followers that your Page is worthy of a Like.
  • Your profile and cover photos create the first visual impression of your business on Facebook, so it’s important to choose wisely. Your logo is usually the best choice for your profile photo while your cover photo should convey what your business is all about in one compelling image.
  • Pin a top-performing post to maximize its potential.


3. Post relevant, high-quality content

    Quality Content

  • Don’t be too promotional. Sure, you’re trying to promote your brand on Facebook—but people want their feeds to be entertaining and informative, not pushy and packed with sales pitches.
  • Include compelling visuals. A study founds that posts with photos receive significantly more Facebook Likes than text-only posts.


4. Engage consistently and at the right times

    User Engagement

  • Post consistently. Being consistent in the quality and types of posts you create can help people know what kinds of messages to expect from you and how they tie into your business.
  • Post at the right time. You’ll need to do your own research to determine what works best for your audience, but we found that the optimal time for Malaysian audience will be 8 – 11pm.


5. Host a Facebook contest


  • Liking a post is a popular form of contest entry—and one that’s allowed under Facebook’s contest rules.
  • Remember that “share to win” contest is prohibited in Facebook.


6. Facebook Live Video

    Live Streaming

  • The Facebook algorithm prioritizes live broadcasts, bumping them higher in the News Feed. If you have an event or presentation that would work live, give it a try.


7. Run Facebook Ads

    Facebook Ads

  • Plan out your Facebook marketing strategy before running any ads such as define your target audience, research the competition, set goals and craft a Facebook advertising funnel.
  • Fully utilize Facebook Ads campaign objectives to make your funnel successful.


8. Learn from Facebook Insights

    Facebook Insights

  • Analyzing Facebook Page Insights can give you a clear view of who your current fans are, which will help you better target future Facebook efforts.
  • You’ll also be able to identify the kinds of posts that have the highest average reach and engagement, and use that information to create more of the content your audience wants from you on Facebook.